Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2009 Conference Theme - Learning

From Sam Coghlan, the President of OLA - on the 2009 Conference theme:
Learning is a passion. Learning is a human drive. Learning belongs on the base of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs along with breathing, food, sex, sleep, warmth and water.
Many of our human institutions have usurped our sense of learning in a manner similar to how sexual repression led to the need for a sexual revolution. Libraries command the capacity to lead the learning revolution!
However, in order to do so: You must learn.
Your library must learn. You must transform your library into a nimble–almost alive–organism that can dance with the dragons of accelerating change. our communities must learn to learn.
Together, our libraries can be the base from which we address the future, whatever it may be; a base supported by three legs; school, academic and public libraries that encompass three vital stages of learning: learning to learn, deepening and broadening learning and self-directed learning.


  1. There's a Chinese saying -
    Work until you are old and learn until you are old.
    Learn until you are old but you can never finish learning.


  2. There's a Chinese saying -
    Work until you are old and learn until you are old.
    Learn until you are old but you can never finish learning.
